
Please complete the following 5 steps, and a member of our staff will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your telehealth appointment with a medical professional.
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Step 1 of 5

TMG: Basic Information

Please take a few moments to fill out this intake form completely. The information you provide is a valuable part of your telehealth care. If you have any questions please contact our office. We thank you for choosing Telehealth Medical Group.

Home Address

TMG: Planned Surgery

Please tell us about your upcoming surgery. Skip this section if you do not have a surgery planned at this time.

Have you had any previous surgeries or procedures under general anesthesia?

TMG: Medication History

Are you currently taking any medications?

Please include medication dosages

TMG: Health History

Please answer the following questions about your past health and medical history.

Are you in good health?
Have you been hospitalized for any surgical operation or serious illness within the last 5 years
If yes, then please explain
Do you smoke tobacco?
Do you use controlled substances?
Do you wear contact lenses?
Do you snore while sleeping?
Has anyone told you that you stop breathing temporarily during sleep?
Do you often feel tired or fatigued?
Do you have high blood pressure? Or ever been treated for it?
Is your neck circumference larger than 16 inches or 40 cm?

TMG: For Women Only

Are you pregnant? Or think you might be pregnant
Are you currently nursing a child
Are you currently taking oral contraceptives?

TMG: Allergies

Are you allergic or had a reaction to any of the following?

TMG: Past Medical History

Are you experiencing any medical conditions that require urgent care services and/or prescriptions ? If so, please provide a detailed description.
Do you have any of the following medical conditions?

TMG: Social History

Do you drink alcohol? If so, how often?
Do you take non-prescribed drugs?
Do you use cocaine?
Do you use methamphetamines?

TMG: Signature and attestation

Clear Signature
I certify that I have read and understand all of the questions above. I acknowledge that my questions, if any, regarding the inquiries set forth above have been answered to my satisfaction. I will not hold Telehealth Medical Group, its staff, nor my assigned healthcare provider responsible for any errors or omissions that I may have made during the completion of this form.

TMG Patient Intake Form will be submitted to Telehealth Medical Group